Does This Rare Photo Show Dolly Parton Without Signature Makeup?

 Does This Rare Photo Show Dolly Parton Without Signature Makeup?

In 2023, a split-screen image circulated on the social media platform Pinterest, purportedly featuring two photographs of country music icon Dolly Parton. Shown below, the photo on the right featured the singer's recognizably glamorous look of platinum-blond wig and full face of makeup, while the photo on the left allegedly depicted Parton dressed uncharacteristically casually in a white tank top, her face unadorned with cosmetics, her natural hair pulled back from her face. 

Diane Di Leonardo/Pinterest) 

Several commenters pointed out that the woman on the left was not Parton, but rather British-American model-turned-actress Nicollette Sheridan, who starred in early-2000s comedy-drama series "Desperate Housewives."

Parton, 18 years older than Sheridan, is famous for her high-maintenance fashions and is rarely seen in public without full makeup — or wearing one of her many wigs.

In October 2023, the "Jolene" singer told People magazine while promoting her style memoir "Behind the Seams: My Life in Rhinestones" that there's only one reason she would ever be caught in public without makeup: "Death!" Per People:

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