Rose kalemba twitter video.

 Rose kalemba twitter video.

Last year Rose Kalemba wrote a blog post explaining how hard it had been - when she was raped as a 14-year-old girl - to get a video of the attack removed from a popular porn website. Dozens of people then contacted her to say that they were facing the same problem today.

The nurse stopped at the doorway leading out of Rose's hospital room and turned to face her.

"I'm sorry this happened to you," she said, her voice shaking. "My daughter was raped too."

Rose looked at the nurse. She couldn't be older than 40, Rose thought, her daughter must be young, like me.

She thought back to the morning after the assault, to the conversations with the emotionless policeman and the clinical doctor. Everyone had used the phrase "alleged" when referring to the violent, hours-long overnight attack that Rose had described to them. With the exception of her father and grandmother, most of her relatives hadn't believed her either.

With the nurse it was different.

"She believed me," Rose says.

It was a small crack of hope - someone recognising and acknowledging what had happened to her. A wave of relief washed over her, which felt like it could be the start of her recovery.

But soon hundreds of thousands of people would see the rape for themselves and from those viewers she received no sympathy.

But then a man appeared from the shadows. At knifepoint he forced her into a car. Sitting in the passenger seat was a second man, aged about 19 - she'd seen him around town. They drove her to a house on the other side of town and raped her over a period of 12 hours, while a third man filmed parts of the assault.

Rose was in shock - she could hardly breathe. She was badly beaten and stabbed on her left leg, her clothes bloody. She fell in and out of consciousness.

At some point, one of the men got out a laptop and showed Rose videos of attacks on other women. "I am of first nations ethnicity," she says. "The attackers were white and the power structure was clear. Some of the victims were white but many were women of colour."

Later, the men threatened to kill her. Forcing herself to collect her senses, Rose began to talk to them. If they released her, she wouldn't reveal their identities, she said. Nothing would ever happen to them, no-one would know.

Taking her back in the car, men dumped her in a street about half an hour's walk from her home.

Walking through the door, she caught sight of her reflection in the hall mirror. A gash in her head was oozing blood.

Her father, Ron, and some extended family were in the living room about to have lunch. Still bleeding from her stab wound, she explained what had happened to her.

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