George conway viral show performance twitter video.

 George conway viral show performance twitter video.

The lawyer husband of President Donald Trump's senior advisor Kellyanne Conway sends a scathing Twitter reply to his spouse after she calls Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden "Creepy Joe" in a tweet.

George Conway's clapback to his wife implicitly references the ongoing House impeachment inquiry into Trump's pressuring of Ukraine to investigate Biden while withholding military aide to that country.

The House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday will hold its first impeachment hearing.

The lawyer husband of President Donald Trump's senior advisor Kellyanne Conway sent a scathing Twitter reply to his spouse after she called Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden "Creepy Joe" in her own tweet.

George Conway's waspish response to his wife and her own tweet each implicitly referenced the ongoing House impeachment inquiry into Trump's pressuring of Ukraine to investigate Biden while withholding military aid to that country.

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