Shannon sharpe live audio on twitter. Shannon Sharpe live video leaked on twitter .

 Shannon sharpe live audio on twitter.

Shannon Sharpe live video leaked on twitter .

Right when I thought I was doing too much unplugging my cat cam until I left the house and covering up my laptop camera until my eyebrows were filled in, Shannon Sharpe reminded us all of the importance of double, maybe even triple checking your devices. 

Yesterday, he started trending on social media, after going live on Instagram while having sex. In the video, which, luckily for him, doesn’t actually show him and the mystery woman (who he refers to as “Michelle” in the video) in the act, it did give the audience of nearly 7,000 people a pretty solid audio spectacle of how he throws it down.

Like many others, I was equal parts grossed out and super intrigued. I mean, it’s not every day that one of the biggest personalities in sport and podcasts is caught in the act. That act, anyway. And so naturally, the responses, which expressed everything from shock and horror to haha you got caught were endless, especially with so many of his friends in the sports world taking full advantage of the opportunity to poke some fun at the man they affectionately call “Unc”.

Here are some of my faves:

I’ve always argued that Nene Leakes has given us some of the most universal, meme-worthy reactions and tweets like this are why:

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