"Changui" Cáceres: "Milei is the bottom of the breed".

 "Changui" Cáceres: "Milei is the bottom of the breed"

The historic radical leader referred to the future of Together for Change. Furthermore, he maintained that "Milei is anti-system, anti-politics and you should not even go to the corner with him." 

In dialogue with Santa Fe media, Luis "Changui" Cáceres gave his opinion on the current situation of Argentine politics. After Sergio Massa 's victory in the elections last Sunday, he pointed out that " the things that are happening do not attract his attention since they were foreseeable ." I advanced it at the last meeting of the Provincial Committee of Santa Fe," he recalled.

"We radicals are in a complicated situation, but with Milei we don't even have to go to the corner ; it is anti-system, anti-politics, Milei is the end of the caste ," said the former national deputy.

And he continued: "I think that we radicals have to choose between voting blank or voting for Sergio Massa . For us there is no other option ; the country is going to hell."

According to Cáceres , "what to this day is called Together for Change, enters into a complicated situation . The fact of proposing that we all go to the same side in the runoff is on another planet or galaxy."

I'm sick of having to vote for the lesser evil , but the radicals again did not have a presidential candidate ," said the leader of the centenary party and added: "Radicalism has to guarantee that there is respect for the Constitution, the democratic system and the "separation of powers. We have to be a constructive opposition ."

Finally, and after being consulted about the future of Together for Change, Cáceres said that " Mauricio Macri played and plays for Milei ; first he eliminated Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, then Bullrich and now he manages the pancake ."

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